Welcome to the homepage of the Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (SMOB)
As the “Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Disorders,” we have been working on the topic of obesity intensively since 1996 and thus play a pioneering role in Switzerland and internationally.
Our members – an association of professionals who deal with obesity – work closely together to improve the understanding and treatment of this disease.
The obesity problem is alarming – about 11% of adults in Switzerland are already affected. The disease affects not only one’s health but also one’s social life and self-esteem.
Our main goal is a comprehensive education and promoting scientifically founded therapy concepts.
Our guidelines, in force since 2011 and updated regularly, are an essential regulatory document for medical care for obesity in Switzerland.
We appreciate the exchange and cordially invite you to contact us and work together on solutions.
The SMOB annual meeting will take place on November 15, 2024, in Bern.
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SMOB Articles of Association
The statutes form the basis of the organization of an association. You can find the statutes of the SMOB in this article

Become a member
Since 1996, we have been involved in studying obesity and metabolic disorders and working tirelessly to improve the understanding and treatment of this chronic disease.